Hot off the press! The first Fellows’ newsletter of 2012…. - RSA

Hot off the press! The first Fellows’ newsletter of 2012….


  • Social enterprise
  • Social networks
  • Catalyst

So here we are in 2012. New Year, new news… Last year surpassed all our expectations with inspiring projects from Catalyst, Fellows’ networks and events creating a wealth of exciting discussions, lots of collaboration and a plethora of ideas – all captured in the Fellowship newsletter. [pullquote]Catalyst, Fellows’ networks and events created a wealth of exciting discussions, lots of collaboration and a plethora of ideas – all captured in the Fellowship newsletter.[/pullquote]

The Fellowship newsletter (for those who aren’t aware) goes out fortnightly and is a snapshot of all the good stuff going on both in the RSA and amongst the Fellowship. Amongst that, you can see regular profiles of our Fellows, latest reports from RSA Projects and updates on what events are coming up. You can check out our newsletters online.

A couple of highlights from this New Year issue include:

Our latest Catalyst winners were awarded a record amount of grants. The winners of our Catalyst grants receive funds and expertise found amongst our Fellows to help their community based projects grow and expand. A couple of winners this round include Ladies Who L-EARN which helps young unemployed women complete an entrepreneurial development course which culminates in running a market stall specialising in designer-maker products. Also Plan Zheroes which maps and connects businesses with excess food with organisations able to receive and convert it into meals for citizens on low income, received further funding. Read the rest of the article about the Catalyst winners.

Another story I wanted to highlight is the ChangeMakers project. This is being led by Ben Dellot who is part of the Citizen Power team. The project looks at the key people in an area who make things happen, creating positive action for their local community; like the old adage goes, if you want something done, ask the busiest person you know…. Their focus is currently Peterborough but it has huge potential to be rolled out. Read more about the ChangeMakers project.

These are just a couple of the things happening currently.

If you are a Fellow and you are not sure you receiving the newsletter (it goes out fortnightly, normally on a Monday evening and is a great way to stay in touch) contact us at [email protected].

Here’s to another year of inspiring news and events happening across the UK and worldwide. The next issue is coming out Monday 30th January so keep an eye out!

If you are not a Fellow and you’d like to hear more about what we do, visit the Fellowship section of the RSA website or you can find out how to become a Fellow.


Sarah Tucker is Networks Manager - Communication and Events,

follow her  @SarahTucker10

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