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06 Sep 2018
Eleanor Toner
Eleanor Toner shares her observations and insights from her week in Yorkshire on the FFCC Bike Tour
20 Aug 2018
Ian Fitzpatrick
Ian Fitzpatrick reviews the submissions from the Food, Farming and Countryside Commission's Call for Ideas.
19 Aug 2018
Sophie Freeman
Sophie Freeman reflects on her week in Northumberland and County Durham for the FFCC Bike Tour.
14 Aug 2018
Robert Reed
Robert Reed recounts of his leg of the FFCC bike tour in Cumbria, explaining the possible local repercussions of rewilding.
31 Jul 2018
Kayshani Gibbon
Kayshani Gibbon recounts what she learned from her leg of the FFCC bike tour in Northern Ireland.
18 Jul 2018
Katie Arthur
From Fife to the Isle of Bute, Katie Arthur recounts what she learned from her leg of the FFCC bike tour.
04 Jul 2018
Elliot Kett
The journey through Scotland continues with insights from the seventh week on the bike.
20 Jun 2018
Stories from week six on the road for the Food, Farming and Countryside Commission Bike Tour. This week - The Highlands.
17 Jun 2018
Sue Pritchard
Food, farming and the environment are having a place in the policy sun that was unthinkable just a few short years ago. This is extraordinary, overdue and most welcome.
23 May 2018
Helena Kelly
If we are to tackle this rise, we need to better understand how the drivers and impacts of foodbank use affect people in the countryside.
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Articles from our Fellows and guest writers.