
The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Region of Learning (CPRoL) project is an ambitious, multi-year social mobility project that will use the Cities of Learning framework to badge, map and connect learning in the region.

Launched in 2021 with the aim of supporting 15-24 year olds furthest from education and employment to take advantage of learning across the region to achieve their ambitions.

Its focus is on identifying and creating pathways into key growth sectors in the region, including:

  • creative and cultural
  • finance and legal
  • wellbeing opportunity provision.

Working with the RSA’s Future of Work team, we are also delivering a local sector-specific skills framework and future risks register that we are shaping with employers across the region.

Working in partnership

Led by Cambridge City Council in partnership with Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council.

The council works with Form the Future and Shift Momentum as delivery partners.

The project has received funding support from the European Social Fund administered by the Department of Work and Pensions, Greater Cambridge Partnership, Arts Council England, and Anglia Ruskin University.


Get in touch with Cambridge City Council to discuss how you can support them in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

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Cities of Learning location map of UK

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Our dedicated Cities of Learning Circle community is full of place-based learning influencers. Interested? Get involved and help us develop the Cities of Learning movement with other Fellows online.

Illustration of stylized buildings, some with floating sections, in white, teal, and orange. A flag with a geometric symbol waves atop one building. Small cube elements float around the structures, creating an abstract, modern cityscape.