Reimagining democracy: Becoming citizens of place and planet - RSA events - RSA

Reimagining democracy: Becoming citizens of place and planet

Fellowship events

 -  | GMT Standard Time


Join us for the first event in our Regenerating our world online discussion series, a webinar series exploring the transition to a just, sustainable future.

About this event:
Climate policy has become a political flash point in nations around the world, with politicians and major vested interests fuelling divisive debates that undermine climate action. Join us for a lively discussion about why our democratic spaces struggle to cope with long term issues about our environment, and to hear about bright spots around the world showing us how this can be done well through growing citizen engagement.

About the series:
Regenerating our world is a free event series exploring the issues that underpin our transition to a just, sustainable future – from what it means to be an active “citizen” of place and planet, to how we create thriving and abundant food-systems now and into the future. This event is a collaboration between RSA Oceania, the RSA Sustainability Network and IdeaSpies. We invite you to join us for a collaborative exploration of how we can collectively redesign our places, communities, economies and ecosystems.

Accessing the event:
This event will take place via Zoom.  Zoom information will be sent to participants on registration. Please contact RSA Oceania Director, Philipa Duthie at [email protected] if you have any questions about accessing this event.