RSA Fellowship bursary fund - RSA

RSA Fellowship bursary fund

The RSA is a charity, and all our work is made possible by the support of our Fellows.

The bursary fund has been set up to help those who wish to join the Fellowship and support the RSA but are unable to afford the full charitable subscription. We offer a limited number of bursaries that cover a year of Fellowship.


The Fellowship fee is a personal charitable subscription and, therefore, your eligibility for a bursary will be judged on your commitment to the values of the RSA, as well as your personal circumstances. Bursaries are for people who:

  • are unable to afford the Fellowship charitable subscription fee.
  • can demonstrate a professional or personal commitment to social change and an understanding of the RSA’s work and values.
  • envisage they will make a long-term commitment to Fellowship at the RSA.

Applying to the RSA Fellowship bursary fund

We ask all applicants who believe they fit the criteria to receive support with their Fellowship fees to answer two questions:

Question one

How do your professional or personal interests directly relate to the RSA’s work, values, and social change agenda?

Question two

Fellows pay an annual charitable subscription of £208 and new joiners pay a £75 registration fee. If your bursary application is successful, we will waive the registration fee and offer either a 25% or 50% reduction on the charitable subscription for your first year of Fellowship. This would be reflected as £13.00 or £8.67 a month respectively.

Please let us know why you are applying for a Fellowship bursary and which option would make Fellowship accessible for you. 

Email Fellowship to apply

To apply for the bursary, please email your responses to the above questions by clicking below. A member of our team will be in touch within five days.

Our Fellows

If your bursary application is successful, we would encourage you to make the most of your Fellowship.

Our Fellows are:

  • Better informed - get involved with your local RSA community, thematic networks and attending RSA events.
  • Better connected - use you our Circle community to find and connect with other Fellows, discuss your work and learn more about our Design for Life mission.
  • Working to seek better futures - amplify the work of the RSA, its Fellows and collaborate to enable people, places and the planet to flourish in harmony.

Fellowship FAQs

Frequently asked questions about applying for RSA Fellowship

RSA Fellowship

The RSA Fellowship is an inclusive global community committed to finding better ways of thinking, acting and delivering change. RSA Fellows have been at the forefront of significant social impact since 1754. We invite you to be part of this change