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Showing 11 to 10 of 1179 results
07 Aug 2020
Becca Antink
How the heritage sector is making a difference in local communities.
06 Aug 2020
Stephen Stenning
The best way of protecting heritage isn't locking it away. Stephen Stenning on creating a people-centred heritage sector by re-thinking our old assumptions.
30 Jul 2020
Bhavani EsapathI
We need to prepare and understand what long-term care looks like from both a governance perspective.
13 Jul 2020
Hannah Webster
The desire for change in the system is there. We need citizen involvement to make it happen.
06 Jul 2020
Anthony Painter
A possible first step towards Basic Income.
30 Jun 2020
Riley Thorold
Sharing what we’ve learned from the Innovation in Democracy programme.
28 Jun 2020
Ian Burbidge
Thinking and methods to fight the anti-risk instinct.
25 Jun 2020
Mike Grimsdale FRSA
Everyone should have the tools to manage their money.
Hannah Morley FRSA
A crisis changes healthcare. We can learn from New Zealand on how to lead a healthcare system after a shock, starting with the principle of collective responsibility.
24 Jun 2020
Helen Sanderson
Instead of being a luxury, relationship centred social care has become even more important during the pandemic.
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