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11 Nov 2020
Dr Grace Hatton FRSA
Dr Grace Hatton FRSA on her experiences in healthcare and why more needs to be done about plastic waste
30 Jul 2020
Chris Rhodes FRSA
Chris Rhodes FRSA explores the dual challenge that nations face in recovering economically from Covid-19 and tackling the climate crisis.
22 Jun 2020
Edmund Barrow FRSA
Edmund Barrow FRSA on the values we need to harness so we can protect our planet.
16 Jun 2020
Dee Degard FRSA
Dee Degard FRSA on the unexpected benefits of curating a digital art show.
13 Feb 2017
Stefana Broadbent
Stefana Broadbent, FRSA explores the role of Smart Citizens in Smart Cities and argues they help us anticipate what could become mainstream practices in a few years.
22 Jun 2016
Paddy Le Flufy
Paddy Le Flufy argues that by protecting the interests of all their stakeholders, not just their shareholders, businesses can be a driving force in creating a sustainable society.
19 Jun 2016
Peter Challen FRSA
Peter Challen FRSA argues for the development of a new political economy that enables us all to play our part as trustees of this planet.
11 Jan 2016
Dennis Sherwood
Dennis Sherwood FRSA argues that the primary focus of the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris should have been on extraction of greenhouse gases, not their reduction.
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