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13 May 2020
Ronnie Cowan MP
There will be other crises. We need to prepare. Ronnie Cowan MP writes for the RSA on why it’s time for UBI.
04 May 2020
Anthony Painter
We all feel powerless at the moment. We know more economic damage is coming. That’s why now is the time for a Basic Income.
08 May 2019
The RSA worked with the community in Fife and modelled the impact of UBI. It’s time for a trial in the UK.
02 Aug 2018
Anthony Painter discusses how our survey shows the public are open to a conversation about Universal Basic Income - and even experimentation
21 Jun 2018
Anthony Painter describes how a democratic economy - of everyone - might work.
16 May 2018
Anthony Painter explores the potential reasons why a new poll by the Centre for Policy Studies indicates a growing appetite for universalism in our welfare system
23 Feb 2018
Jamie Cooke
How can the value of big data be harnessed to improve all of our lives? Jamie Cooke, Head of RSA Scotland, discusses the potential pathways for policy.
16 Feb 2018
Examples of where we feel the Universal Basic Opportunity Fund could bring great economic security and better work to the lives of people in the UK.
Our new report offers a practical means of advancing the UK towards a Universal Basic Income system. The Universal Basic Opportunity Fund could represent a stepping stone – to be enacted now – towards a better way of enabling citizens to live meaningful and contributory lives.
12 Jan 2018
Anthony Painter discusses the state of 21st century economic insecurity and why work alone is not enough to keep it at bay.
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