Join our unique global network of over 31,000 changemakers. As a Fellow, you will expand your community, be inspired by new ideas and have access to innovative future-focused research.

For over 270 years, we’ve led social impact initiatives including initiating the Great Exhibition of 1851, projects to abolish child labour and conversations on universal basic income.

Together, we are committed to regenerating our world through collective action.

Apply to be a Fellow

Complete your application online and tell us why you wish to become a Fellow. Fellows pay an annual charitable subscription of £208 and a one-off £75 registration fee.

Three people are seated at a table during a meeting. The person in the center is gesturing and speaking, while the others listen attentively. Papers and colorful sticky notes are scattered on the table.

As a Fellow you will…


  • Be part of our global, diverse community of more than 31,000 Fellows.
  • Contribute to our exclusive online community for Fellows everywhere to connect, chat and collaborate.
  • Visit our iconic London home, RSA House, with coworking opportunities, bookable spaces for all manner of events, The Coffee House and library, our Muse – our new cocktail bar – and much more.
  • Collaborate, convene and work from several shared office spaces thanks to partner organisations across the UK.


  • Receive the award-winning, RSA Journal quarterly and read the latest ideas and interviews with influential figures.
  • Attend our exciting in-person and online events with renowned speakers on cutting-edge topics.
  • Receive the latest insights, research, and RSA opportunities and be the first to hear about other Fellows’ activities and achievements in our weekly newsletter.
  • Address the most pressing issues facing society by supporting projects like RSA Spark – an inspiring real-world experience for learners to create, connect, grow and make a difference.


Being an RSA Fellow is incredibly invigorating as someone who values thoughtful, spirited debate – especially with a community of fellow changemakers during a highly polarised time. The RSA has a strong legacy of critical yet compassionate thinkers, and I'm proud to follow in their footsteps.

RSA Fellow

Want to join our community of Fellows?

Book a one-on-one call with our team to discover the benefits of Fellowship, ask any questions, and get started with your application.

Jan is a Fellow and award-winning independent filmmaker working in the creative sector as part of the UK Film Industry as a screenwriter, director and producer.

“One big change I would like to see, at least in my industry, to create a much fairer future would be for more women to be taken seriously as major players behind the camera.”


Bilkis is a Fellow and social entrepreneur, working to empower young people in their limitless choices and to embrace their individuality.

“It’s vital to be a part of a community that is driven to eliminating systemic inequalities. I love being a part of a community that is passionate about creating positive change.”


Richard is a Fellow who designs and implements community engagement strategies.

He has found that the two values that unite RSA Fellows are a desire not to accept the status quo, and to engage more effectively with the challenges they face.

Apply online now

Start the application process by registering online via our online application portal.

Two men sitting at a table, engaged in discussion. One is pointing at something on a paper with orange notes. Both are smiling, suggesting a positive interaction. The background is blurred with people and soft lighting.

Why should I become a Fellow?

You want to connect with a diverse community of changemakers

We are an inclusive global community and value all who are committed to positively impacting society, no matter your professional experience, background, or perceived level of success. Fellows are at the heart of the RSA. Connect, converse, collaborate and learn from a growing community, develop your ideas, and expand your professional network.

You want to access innovative research and thought leadership

The RSA unearths patterns and unlocks insights to enable and empower change. The RSA Living Change Approach is how we think about complex challenges and how we go about solving them.

You want to develop solutions to social challenges

You can engage and partner with innovative research and design work undertaken through our core projects, share insights, perspectives and practices which advance our collective understanding and impact Contribute to thought-provoking debate, peer-support Fellows with their ideas and projects, and access opportunities to develop solutions to local and global social challenges.

Our criteria

The RSA is a values-based organisation. We are open, optimistic, courageous, enabling and rigorous.

We welcome all those aligned with these values, who share and support our vision of a better future; where world-leading ideas are turned into world-changing actions.

We have always been a home for those committed to positive social change regardless of background, qualifications, or level of perceived success.

To become a Fellow, you must:

  • Be over 18
  • Support our vision and share our values
  • Share our commitment to social change

As a social change organisation, we believe in a world that is resilient, rebalanced and regenerative, where everyone can fulfil their potential. Read our diversity, equity and inclusion statement.

We have a moral and legal obligation to create safe physical and online spaces for children, young people and vulnerable adults who engage with the RSA. Read our safeguarding statement.

If you are committed to regenerating our world through collective action, we invite you to join our unique global network of changemakers to make this a reality.

The application process

We encourage you to apply and our team is here to make it as easy as possible for you. All potential Fellows complete a short online application.

Becoming a Fellow is a simple process. You may be contacted by us directly to apply, but many people join by starting an online application form themselves.

The application takes less than 15 minutes to complete and is reviewed by our admissions panel. All Fellows make an annual charitable subscription of £208. There’s also a one-off registration fee of £75, which helps cover the set up and onboarding of your Fellowship. Flexible payment options are also available.

You do not need to be invited and can begin your application today.

While this is an overview, more detailed information about the application process is available on the Information about Applying page.