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30 May 2020
Danielle Mason
Nearly half of survey respondents say they do not trust the Government to have the best interests of children at heart on the issue of re-opening schools.
16 May 2020
Georgina Chatfield
Anyone in education knows we so often have to make the case for the value of arts and creative activities. The lockdown gives us a chance to recognise their value – now and moving forward.
05 May 2020
Fran Landreth Strong
School closures are disrupting support for students about to start secondary school. This transition is a critical moment in a child’s education and must not be lost to the Covid-19 crisis.
22 Apr 2020
Olivia Finn
Covid-19 is changing education. Digital badges are providing new learning pathways and credentials for students at home.
20 Apr 2020
Laura Partridge
We must make sure exam cancellations don’t negatively affect certain groups of students due to unconscious bias.
25 Mar 2020
‘Learning loss’ from being out of school hits disadvantaged students hardest. We must support quality learning at home to meet the needs of all students.
21 Mar 2020
Anthony Painter
Deep structural weaknesses have left more vulnerable people and places exposed for some time; now these weaknesses are visible to all.
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