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04 May 2016
Tom Gilliford
Use your lunch break to redesign parent-teacher relationships.
17 Nov 2015
Kenny McCarthy
Help shape the future of education by giving us your feedback on our 9 propositions for change.
26 Oct 2015
Tom Gilliford Francesca Plowright
Tom Gilliford interviews Fran Plowright about her new role as a creativity link governor and why she thinks every school should have one.
22 Oct 2015
Robert Litten
Robert Litten discusses the need for schools to turn to their own teachers to achieve educational innovation and excellence.
28 Sep 2015
Keeley Davies
Earlier this year the RSA surveyed school governors and trustees, asking them how they supported creativity. Keeley Davies explains and summarises what we discovered.
29 Jun 2015
Nicky Morgan and Ofsted have given school governors lots of responsibilities. Tom Gilliford suggests that governors must embrace these, and the power that comes with them.
19 May 2015
There can be no doubt that we need more creativity in our education system. But what's holding us back? Tom Gilliford asks if we are taking the easy way out by continually laying blame at Oftsed's feet.
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