RSA Surrey Event Mental Health 28 June - RSA

RSA Surrey Network Event: Handling the current crisis in mental health

Fellowship events


Guildford Institute, Guildford

  • Mental health
  • Fellowship

Join the RSA Surrey Network this June as we explore the changes in the way we as a society choose to deal with mental health.

Society still has a remaining problem with how to cope with people of all ages who have mental ill health, although practices to deal with mental health issues are changing.

There are items in the press about an 'epidemic' of mental ill health among young people, as well as adults of working age and the elderly. Whether this is a real increase in mental ill health or the result of a reduction in stigma making asking for help more acceptable, it is hard to be definitive.

What can be said is that changing family patterns, work place stress, uncertainty over employment with the end of jobs for life, fractured social bonds, insecure housing, and debt all have a part to play.

Jeremy Ross FRSA will review the changes in the way we as a society choose to deal with mental health, look at the particular problems facing us today, and discuss how we design appropriate services for now. Jeremy is a qualified social worker and was until recently a senior lecturer in Social Work at Kingston University and the chief executive of a mental health charity. He is now an independent consultant and practice educator.

Join us from 6:00pm to 6:30pm for light refreshments; the session will begin at 6:30pm.

It is free to attend but please register your place through the link above.

For any questions, please email Fellowship Councillor Caroline Clark[email protected].

If you have any access requirements or require any reasonable adjustments, please email the RSA team: [email protected].

Location: Guildford Institute, Ward Street, Guildford, GU1 4LH

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