RSA Islington Network Meeting: Post-truth, post-election - RSA

RSA Islington Network Meeting: Post-truth, post-election

Fellowship events


The Highbury Centre Conference Room, Highbury

  • Communities
  • Localism
  • Fellowship

A lot has changed since we last shared ways in which we are each helping shape constructive futures in turbulent times. Has this affected our plans and our actions?

Let’s share our thinking on 27 September from 18:30 to 20:30 at The Highbury Centre. 

There will also be an opportunity to think about the future of the Network. A small group of us (including Valerie) have come together to share the convening role that Valerie had, and we would be delighted if others want to join us. We would like to hear your ideas for future topics for our discussions.

Do come and join us—if you don’t know the Highbury Centre it’s a hidden gem you’ll be pleased to have discovered. 

If you have any access requirements or require any reasonable adjustments, please let the team know: [email protected]

Location: The Highbury Centre Conference Room, 20-26 Aberdeen Park, Highbury, London, N5 2BJ


Did you know there are about 1000 Fellows living or working in an Islington postcode? Many are brimming with energy, expertise, and ideas, so Islington Network evenings are an opportunity to connect with a wide range of opportunities and skills, and also a chance to think about how Islington can be a better place for the fact that it hosts so many Fellows.
The network meets 4-5 times a year, sometimes with a discussion topic, sometimes focusing on bringing people together. There is an underlying theme of ‘the Islington I see’, in that we encourage people to describe what Islington looks like through their special interest lens, highlighting aspects of interest, concern, or opportunity. Members also offer guided walks around parts of Islington they know best.