RSA LGBT Creative & Cultural Network: In ConveRSAtion with Cllr Ian Adams on “Community Cohesion in the heart of London - RSA

RSA LGBT Creative & Cultural Network: Community Cohesion in the heart of London

Fellowship events


The Romney Room, RSA House, London

  • Accessibility & inclusion
  • Arts and society
  • Fellowship

Join us for our 3rd anniversary network event this October, In ConveRSAtion with Cllr Ian Adams on “Community Cohesion in the heart of London.” What is Westminster Council’s approach to supporting and engaging with the LGBT+ communities?

 Guest speaker Cllr Ian Adams (Westminster Council’s LGBT+ Champion, Cabinet Member for Public Protection & Licensing, and former Lord Mayor, Westminster City Council) will talk about engagement with LGBT+ communities. 

Come along and join the discussion: There will be networking from 6pm for a prompt 6:30 keynote start, followed by Q&A with the audience.

 All are welcome to join - you don’t need to have been to a previous meeting to get involved!

 If you have any questions, please contact RSA LGBT network founder and lead Niranjan Kamatkar FRSA,  via the RSA website.

If you have any questions, any access requirements, or require any reasonable adjustments, please get in touch with the RSA London team: [email protected]. Please also let us know if you have any severe allergies or dietary requirements.

 Location: RSA, 8 John Adam St, London WC2N 6EZ

About this network...

Leading cultural change and enriching society around diverse and inclusive LGBT+ issues via lecture series, creative interventions, and networking events while reducing stigma and stereotyping of LGBT+ people.

We will aim to work towards conditions for change: working with education, arts, culture, as well as sports bodies and other workplaces (corporate, statutory, and public bodies) to enhance engagement of LGBT people and bring LGBT cultural issues to the forefront.

We will aim to work towards creating a resource base of LGBT practitioners for educational and statutory bodies and future media use. It is a great opportunity for people who acted as informal ambassadors to work towards creating LGBT ambassadorship structures. 

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