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Cosmic communities

Lead Feature

Samantha Tauber is a storyteller, musician, technologist and futurist who has created a virtual alter ego, VNCCII, that she embodies both digitally and in stage performances. The VNCCII project aims to deliver messages about creative leadership and the importance of building a harmonious global community. From space industry communities to those within the Metaverse, Tauber asks us to work together to create a positive future.

RSA Journal Issue 4 2024: Courageous communities

Read examples of ‘courageous communities’, from Lord John Bird’s experience of poverty and homelessness to Samantha Tauber’s attempt to build a better Earth from space.


The courage to change our minds


Change should be rooted in lived experience rather than the ‘warm bath of like-minded views’, argues the RSA’s CEO. RSA Journal issue 4 2024 discusses examples of ‘courageous communities’, from Lord John Bird’s experience of poverty and homelessness to Samantha Tauber’s attempt to build a better Earth from space.

RSA NextGen: ZeZe Sohawon

RSA NextGen

In our regular series of interviews with young Fellows, we speak with Zaynab ‘ZeZe’ Sohawon, a youth mental health advocate, about her ambitions, passions and inspirations.

Wikimedia: people-powered


In an age where knowledge is everything, Wikimedia’s behind-the-scenes communities are keeping the lights on and ensuring the truth is told.

RSArchive: liquid legacy


How the RSA encouraged the development of the modern wine world across America, South Africa and Australia – and England.

In conversation with Lord John Bird

In conversation

Artist, novelist, raconteur, social entrepreneur and Founder of The Big Issue Lord John Bird talks with RSA Chief Executive Andy Haldane about his journey from privation to the peerage – and what it will take to end poverty once and for all.

RSA House 250th anniversary: a gala to remember


On 17 October, RSA Fellows and friends – including high-profile names from the arts, industry, media and policymaking – attended a fundraising gala dinner at our headquarters in London to celebrate the 250th anniversary of RSA House.

Ideas Foundation: eyes wide open


The Ideas Foundation provides opportunities for students in less advantaged schools across the UK to build creative and cultural capital through workshops and excursions. Their mission? To nourish a new creative generation.

Become a Fellow today

Join our global community of social innovators and receive your own physical copy of the RSA Journal four times a year among other incredible benefits.


  • Meteoric rise as space group becomes a network

    The RSA Space Interest Group began as a community of Fellows who gathered informally to discuss the world of space and the space industry. Following its inception, the group saw rapid growth on Circle, quickly becoming the fourth most popular conversation spot on the platform.

  • RDI status granted to seven inspirational designers

    ‘Inspirational’ and ‘outstanding’ designers from a range of disciplines have been awarded Royal Designer for Industry status – regarded as the highest honour a designer can receive in the UK.

  • AI pioneer wins share of Nobel Chemistry Prize

    RSA Fellow and Royal Designer for Industry (RDI) Sir Demis Hassabis has been awarded a part share in this year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work on protein structure prediction using artificial intelligence.

  • Loyd Grossman confirmed as Trustee Board Chair at RSA AGM

    The RSA’s Annual General Meeting was held on 10 October with Fellows from across the globe gathering in person and online to hear updates on RSA initiatives and welcome incoming Trustee Board Chair Loyd Grossman.


Got an idea for an article for the Journal or RSA Comment on Circle? If you have a thought-provoking proposal about anything, but particularly something that aligns with our mission, we want to hear from you.

Email [email protected] and we'll be in touch.


  • RSArchive: liquid legacy

    Jerry Lockspeiser

    How the RSA encouraged the development of the modern wine world across America, South Africa and Australia – and England.

  • RSArchive: 250 years of RSA House

    Richard Hale

    RSA House first opened its doors in 1774. Since then the site has seen carousing, consciousness-raising and confidence deserting some of history’s most renowned orators. Today it remains a source of inspiration and refreshment.


What our Fellows and staff are reading

Last Word: gift

Vicki Thomas, designer and FRSA, explores the meaning behind gifts and their unique ability to create a sense of belonging, show feeling and build community.

Read more issues of the RSA Journal

  • Courage to change our minds

    RSA Journal issue 4 2024 discusses examples of ‘courageous communities’, from Lord John Bird’s experience of poverty and homelessness to Samantha Tauber’s attempt to build a better Earth from space.

  • Combating the climate crisis

    Climate change is the single most pressing existential crisis of our time, with its impact threatening all living things through flooding, food and water scarcity, extreme heat and wildfires, disease and economic insecurity.