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22 Apr 2020
Josie Warden
Manufacturing has a key role to play in the future of European cities – but it needs greater support to ensure its security and success.
14 Jun 2019
Kath Davies
WOVEN is a new festival celebrating innovation in textiles that is being piloted this year between the 8th to the 16th June.
12 Jun 2019
The UK hasn't deindustrialised, it's shifted its emissions offshore. To tackle climate breakdown we need to see our own industrial base as part of the solution.
19 Dec 2018
Manufacturers, academics and policy makers recently joined us and FRSAs Patrick Grant and Francesca Froy to discuss the role of making in communities. Here are five takeaways from the discussion in Manchester.
19 Nov 2018
Julia Bennett
Is it economic heresy to suggest that sustainable businesses are as vital to a healthy economy as scalable businesses?
26 Jul 2018
We’ve lost sight of the role of making stuff in communities, but it is part of creating vibrant economies where money, knowledge and resources flow.
23 Jun 2018
After years of decline, manufacturing could be making a return to the cities of Europe. Senior Researcher at the RSA Josie Warden compares Brussels, London and Rotterdam identifies the common experiences and challenges faced by each city.
30 May 2018
On #LondonHistoryDay we take a look at the past, present and future of London's garment manufacturing
21 May 2018
Mark Brearley
Mark Brearley, co-owner of London manufacturer Kaymet, explains that production still has a place in the capital
10 May 2018
Despite significant changes to the scale and makeup of manufacturing in the three cities, manufacturing still has an important role to play in the economic and social fabric of cities
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