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31 Aug 2017
Tom Harrison
Tom Harrison recently attended the Mental Health and Employment Review workshop on stigma and culture. Here he outlines 7 reflections for the review team to consider.
30 Aug 2017
Benedict Dellot
Warnings about autonomous weapons must be heeded. But we cannot hope to tackle society's biggest ills without embracing the new machine age.
15 Aug 2017
Anthony Painter
Conversations about the future of technology are almost entirely set in the wrong direction, argues Anthony Painter.
02 Aug 2017
Fabian Wallace-Stephens
Why do predictions about automation rarely seek to understand the human systems that surround technologies when these are so crucial?
Predictions range from a daunting 47% to a conservative 5%. Just how worried should we be?
27 Jul 2017
Judy Rees (Author)
From shyly attending an RSA London pub Meetup to leading a huge experiment in Fellowship digital engagement — Fellowship Councillor Judy Rees shares her story, what she's learned, and what comes next.
25 Jul 2017
Barely a week goes by without another study predicting a robot insurgency. But the data tells a different story: if anything, we're not investing enough in new machines
12 Jul 2017
Brhmie Balaram
The growth of Britain’s ‘gig economy’ has been profound. But what exactly do we mean by the gig economy?
11 Jul 2017
Brhmie Balaram offers 3 points to keep in mind as we work to ensure a level playing field for both workers and businesses while also serving the public's best interests.
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