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16 Feb 2018
Anthony Painter
Our new report offers a practical means of advancing the UK towards a Universal Basic Income system. The Universal Basic Opportunity Fund could represent a stepping stone – to be enacted now – towards a better way of enabling citizens to live meaningful and contributory lives.
12 Jan 2018
Anthony Painter discusses the state of 21st century economic insecurity and why work alone is not enough to keep it at bay.
06 Dec 2017
Charlie Young
Most wouldn’t peg Margaret Thatcher for a basic income enthusiast. But, Charlie Young says, she instituted a policy that broke the mould of her traditional ‘small state’ world view
09 Nov 2017
Anthony Painter considers the political economy of the past two decades and considers whether we may be heading for a long stagnation and concludes that without concerted action we may be.
16 Oct 2017
The social contract between citizen, state and market is failing. The challenge is to design a new social contract that enables adaptation, argues Anthony Painter.
10 Oct 2017
Anna Dent
Previously an idea very much at the margins of politics and policy debates, basic income has recently enjoyed a steep rise in popularity. But how and why has this occurred, and what has led a growing number of countries to invest in basic income experiments?
04 Sep 2017
Jamie Cooke Anthony Painter
The RSA welcomes the announcement of the Scottish Government that it will support and fund local Basic Income pilots.
15 Aug 2017
Conversations about the future of technology are almost entirely set in the wrong direction, argues Anthony Painter.
11 Jul 2017
Anthony Painter argues that the Taylor Review is the start of a fundamental shift in our national political priorities.
04 Jul 2017
Jake Thorold
Alaska gives all residents over $2000 per year, no questions asked. New survey data suggests this leads to big social benefits. We should be thinking more seriously about Universal Basic Income in the UK.
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