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27 Mar 2020
Laura Dewar
Laura Dewar of Gingerbread charity sets out how coronavirus is affecting single parent families and how the government must provide urgent support.
25 Mar 2020
Matthew Taylor
The COVID-19 pandemic has created an opportunity to improve our society. Here’s how we can seize it.
23 Mar 2020
Asheem Singh
Without a significant increase in voluntary sector action in the UK, we cannot expect to beat coronavirus. This means giving charities an unprecedented fiscal stimulus.
21 Mar 2020
Anthony Painter
Deep structural weaknesses have left more vulnerable people and places exposed for some time; now these weaknesses are visible to all.
12 Mar 2020
Less business travel, extended employment rights, move towards Universal Basic Income, accelerate energy shift, strengthen state, and new ways of thinking about change.
06 Mar 2020
Fabian Wallace-Stephens
As the coronavirus spreads, trade unions are urging governments to ensure that all workers can access sick pay. But this epidemic has surfaced the need for a more radical reform of the benefits system.
04 Mar 2020
Will Grimond
An epidemic could have serious consequences for those in insecure work.
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