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30 Jul 2019
Aidan Daly
Aidan Daly on the winners of the 2019 RSA Pupil Design Awards and why teachers and students take part in the competition.
23 Jul 2019
Georgina Chatfield
Artsfest is an celebration of arts and creativity organised by RSA Academies. Georgina Chatfield explains what this year's Artsfest achieved.
06 Jun 2019
Fran Landreth Strong
Arts education has taken a beating in recent years. A new focus on curriculum, rather than outcomes, is a reason to be optimistic.
30 May 2019
Olivia Finn
Young people growing up in London today are faced with a paradox that defines many of the world’s most prosperous cities.
17 May 2019
Matthew Taylor
What successful policies and organisations have in common.
09 Apr 2019
Geralyn Mulqueen FRSA
Geralyn Mulqueen FRSA reflects on her “Art for the senses” showcase at the Metropolitan Arts Centre (MAC), her own journey, how creativity in all it’s forms can positively impact mental well being.
15 Mar 2019
Neil McLennan FRSA
In 1867 the RSA instigated the commemorative plaque scheme as a way or recognising places linked with figures from history. In 2018 RSA Fellow and Fellowship Councillor Neil McLennan instigated a series of commemorations to mark Scotland’s Great War poets. Now he calls on more fellows to mark people from the past in places of significance to them, especially in this, the year when peace should be commemorated.
05 Mar 2019
Neil McLennan FRSA looks at Scottish education and curriculum now, and explores what could be possible in the future.
14 Feb 2019
Mark Londesborough Sam Grinsted
The RSA launches The Cultural Learning Evidence Champion’s Handbook to support arts and cultural educators to get to grips with ‘evidence-rich practice’.
22 Jan 2019
Brendan Conway
Arts, music, & drama have been “pushed to the margins” of education. Brendan Conway explores why this has happened & how the RSA is supporting arts in schools.
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