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28 Dec 2016
Tony Greenham
The government is right to refresh the economic rules of the game in industrial policy, employment practices and corporate governance, but that success will rest on treating all three areas as interdependent.
19 Dec 2016
Benedict Dellot
Pension coverage for the self-employed is pitiful, with just a fifth signed up to a private scheme. Could nudging be part of the answer?
22 Nov 2016
Tax is a burden, full stop. But there are far better ways to give a boost to small businesses than reducing Corporation Tax.
14 Nov 2016
Branko Milanovic's 'elephant curve' shows why Trump's victory has been long in the making. We just weren't paying attention.
01 Nov 2016
The Uber ruling reveals a National Insurance system that is not fit for purpose. Here are 5 scenarios for its future.
19 Oct 2016
Barely a week goes by without another news story charting the fall of self-employed earnings. But how much do the headlines match reality?
01 Sep 2016
Small businesses don't want sweeping tax cuts and special favours. They want a tax system that is clear, fair and progressive. Here are 5 ideas to get us started.
18 Aug 2016
The RSA and Crunch are undertaking an entrepreneurial audit to deepen our understanding of what works in supporting the self-employed and micro-businesses.
04 May 2016
A new book by Nick Srnicek and Alex Williams calls for mass automation and the end of work. But is this a time-wasting thought exercise?
13 Apr 2016
Brhmie Balaram
Gig work in the sharing economy is on the rise. Brhmie Balaram offers a guide to the debate about whether this trend is something we should be excited by or alarmed about.
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