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18 Sep 2014
Professor of places and city planning Peter Wynne Rees describes the vision and strategy which transformed the City of London and considers how we reconcile the demands of the property industry with a range of issues in the public interest.
30 Oct 2013
Bruce J Katz is a vice president at the Brookings Institution
28 Oct 2013
City Growth panel event.
08 May 2013
Baroness Grey-Thompson, Steve Moffitt, Matilda Neil, Matthew Taylor, hosted by Jonathan Edwards CBE
31 Jan 2013
With David West, Roger Graef OBE, Nabeel Hamdi, Grainia Long and Lynsey Hanley
05 Sep 2012
With Mark Easton, Munira Mirza, Brian Gambles, Loretta Lees and Anna Minton
17 May 2012
John Adam is professor of mathematics at the Old Dominion University.
22 Feb 2012
Avner de-Shalit is professor of democracy and human rights and dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
02 Feb 2012
Richard Sennett is University Professor at New York University, Academic Governor and Professor of Sociology at the LSE
22 Nov 2011
Albina Ruiz is a social entrepreneur and founder of Ciudad Saludable (The Healthy City Project)
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