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21 Feb 2017
Joseph Zammit-Lucia
Dr Joseph Zammit-Lucia FRSA outlines the need to examine the role corporate governance plays in how wealth is shared in our economy.
13 Feb 2017
Jim McMahon MP
Devolution has been seen as a way to grow economies from the grassroots up. But how do we know that this growth won’t pass people and places by, and that it will instead benefit everyone?
22 Dec 2016
David Boyle (blog)
People are still feeling disconnected from opportunities and employment in our cities. David Boyle reflects on the Inclusive Growth Commissions visit to Nottingham.
31 Oct 2016
Alan Casey
Alan Casey, social entrepreneur and Founder of BizHealthCheck reflects the need for a purpose-driven work and a 'How-To' guide for inclusive growth in business.
07 Oct 2016
Dr David Etherington Prof. Martin Jones
Dr David Etherington and Professor Martin Jones explore how changes to the welfare system could promote inclusive growth
29 Sep 2016
Atif Shafique
Our ‘deep dive’ research suggests that inclusive growth can reinvigorate places, but it will require a big effort from both local and national government. Inclusive growth can’t be done on the cheap.
30 Aug 2016
Dr Mark Lang
Dr Mark Lang explores Deep Place as an approach to bring greater equality and environmental sustainability to our communities.
11 Aug 2016
Matthew Brown
Cllr Matthew Brown explores Preston's attempt to invest in its future
28 Apr 2016
David Boyle reflects on the launch of the Inclusive Growth Commission and the challenge ahead.
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