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Showing 11 to 10 of 36 results
16 Feb 2016
The Mindfulness Insitute’s Jamie Bristow, and columnist Madeleine Bunting consider how widespread mindfulness training can engineer and support a flourishing society.
28 Jul 2015
Sustainable design expert Professor Ezio Manzini visits the RSA to explore how emerging forms of collaboration in design practice are driving radical, bottom-up social innovation.
30 Jun 2015
Buddhist monk and influential public thinker Matthieu Ricard joins Madeleine Bunting to discuss how compassion can benefit us, society, and the planet.
19 May 2015
David Graeber, anthropologist and leading figure in the Occupy movement, visits the RSA to consider what it would take to build a flourishing, sustainable and just future economy.
23 Feb 2015
Dr Judith Rodin brings together ground-breaking research to outline a radical future in which individuals, companies & entire societies avert disaster by creating more resilient cities.
06 Aug 2014
Lynda Gratton is an organisational change expert
29 Apr 2014
Jeremy Rifkin is one of the world’s most popular public thinkers
10 Apr 2014
Aral Balkan is a designer and social entrepreneur
20 Mar 2014
Deyan Sudjic is director of the Design Museum and the author of a new book, 'B is for Bauhaus'.
31 Oct 2013
Dov Seidman is founder and CEO of LRN.
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