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29 Nov 2016
Julia Wilcox
Julia Wilcox explores the role of devolution in furthering gender equality
24 Nov 2016
David Boyle (blog)
Treasury is still stuck in the old world - what would an inclusive approach really mean for innovation, infrastructure and devolution?
10 Nov 2016
Adanna Shallowe
There are some cities in the world that conjure up certain images the minute you utter their names. Medellin is one of those cities.
07 Nov 2016
Tom Fox
Tom Fox, Policy Lead at UnLtd welcomes the launch of Governments' New Inclusive Economy Unit and unveils his vision for an inclusive industrial strategy.
21 Oct 2016
Atif Shafique
Inclusive growth is generating growing interest. But to pursue it, we need to measure it.
18 Oct 2016
Working with New Economy, initial analysis from the Inclusive Growth Commission suggests that addressing the wide regional disparities in GVA can add almost £200bn to the economy a year.
14 Oct 2016
Neil McInroy
Neil McInroy, Chief Executive of CLES, examines the inclusive growth agenda and what is needed for it to really achieve social inclusion alongside economic growth.
Adanna Shallowe describes how Helsinki, Malmo and Rotterdam are pursuing more inclusive local economies.
12 Oct 2016
Katharine Swindells
Katharine Swindells opens her series of blogs exploring how the new political landscape post-Brexit affects people under-25 and what Inclusive Growth might mean for the first generation in a century to be poorer than their parents.
11 Oct 2016
What lessons can be learnt from inclusive growth strategies in New York City and Pittsburgh?
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