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14 Aug 2019
Security expert Jonathan Craymer FRSA is testing a new and potentially revolutionary form of authentication for our personal devices.
13 Aug 2019
Maysam Rizvi
How can technology be used to help the 25 million people who live paycheck to paycheck?
11 Jul 2019
Agata Lo Tauro
How can technology assist with new forms of learning?
10 Jul 2019
Kerstyn Comely
We had an emotive story, an undeniably important mission, and a multi-award winning app to deliver our initiative. How hard could it possibly be to get people to click on a link and donate a quid? Very bloody hard, as it happens.
29 Jun 2019
Albert Cañigueral FRSA
Albert Cañigueral FRSA shares insights from a new report on how digital platforms are shaping the labour market and how solutions are emerging to meet the needs of workers in the gig economy.
27 May 2019
Sarah Darrall
In our survey, 43% of MPs felt they didn’t have the expertise to make sound judgements on tech policy. With a new government on the way, where is the political debate headed?
23 May 2019
Will Grimond
Location tracking and facial recognition are altering the boundaries between public and private.
08 Apr 2019
Brhmie Balaram
As part of our Tech & Society programme, the RSA is setting out to make the case for experimenting with a new shared approach to stopping the spread of ‘toxic’ content online.
27 Mar 2019
Rich Mason
Corporate branding of hashtags may seem trivial, but it points to serious structural issues undermining some of our most important conversions. Rich Mason explains.
06 Mar 2019
Stéphane Goldstein
Information, information, information... In all its guises, online, in print, by word of mouth, it’s all around us – created, read, shared, commented upon at a greater pace than ever before in human history.
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