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19 Jul 2018
Ed Cox
Ed Cox argues why we need a National Citizen's Jury on Brexit.
26 Feb 2018
Hettie O'Brien
Hettie O'Brien writes discusses how citizen interest in economics can best place us to speak truth about bad policy
20 Feb 2018
Megan Corton Scott
In the current populist era an active initiative such as the Citizen’s Economic Council is not only necessary, but a breath of fresh air argues Megan Corton Scott.
05 Dec 2017
Nick C Jones
Everyone has an interest in the success of the economy. But it’s not always easy for the public’s voice to be heard in the rough and tumble of economic debate. The question is why?
01 Dec 2017
Maeve Cohen
Maeve Cohen, Director of Rethinking Economics, discusses why the Citizens' Economic Council report should recommend a reform of economics education.
22 Nov 2017
Reema Patel
Reema Patel introduces two kinds of Budget - the 'u-turn' Budget, or the frozen Budget. Might there be a way forward through this impasse for a bigger, more collaborative conversation about economic questions?
20 Nov 2017
The Citizens’ Economic Council programme has piloted models of engagement to enable citizens to ‘take back control’ over the economic decisions that affect their lives.
02 Nov 2017
Economics has a democratic deficit for three key reasons. Reema Patel explores what they are, and what can be done about it.
21 Sep 2017
Our brand new animation argues we need to look beyond the ballot box to truly empower people. We call for a different way of thinking about both democracy and society.
15 Jun 2017
Kenny McCarthy
For the final challenge of the Citizens’ Economic Council, we’re crowdsourcing your ideas on how we can shift the incentives within our economy to meet the needs of tomorrow.
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