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18 Mar 2016
Paul Morrell OBE explores a range of challenges facing the built environment professions and the need for adaptability at a time of marked institutional, technological and social evolution.
15 Feb 2015
Susan Woodward OBE, founding director of The Space and Sharp Projects and Creative Media Champion for the City of Manchester, explains how re-designing urban environments sparks dynamism and connectivity.
04 Nov 2014
Sarah Wigglesworth RDI MBE is a director at Sarah Wigglesworth Architects and professor of architecture at University of Sheffield
18 Sep 2014
Professor of places and city planning Peter Wynne Rees describes the vision and strategy which transformed the City of London and considers how we reconcile the demands of the property industry with a range of issues in the public interest.
17 Sep 2014
Designer Alastair Parvin speaks on the future of open design, community development and WikiHouse.
31 Jan 2013
With David West, Roger Graef OBE, Nabeel Hamdi, Grainia Long and Lynsey Hanley
08 Nov 2011
With Piers Gough, Richard Cork, Dr Sam Guglani and Charles Jencks
29 Sep 2011
Michael Pawlyn is the director of Exploration Architecture and an author
28 Mar 2011
With Loyd Grossman, Chris Nash, Christian Busch, Jonathan Douglas and Sarah Gaventa
25 Nov 2010
Patrick Bellew RDI, environmental engineer
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