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16 Apr 2021
The 2021 Albert Medal Event
02 Jul 2018
Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett follow up their seminal work The Spirit Level with new insights into how inequality impacts us as individuals.
19 Feb 2018
Bestselling author Johann Hari discovered that, in reality, depression and anxiety are caused largely by crucial changes in the way we are living.
23 Oct 2017
Award-winning professor of neuroscience Matthew Walker visits the RSA to explain why the sleep deprivation epidemic is one of the greatest public health crises of the 21st century.
22 Jun 2017
Matthew Taylor, chief executive of the RSA and Chair of the Government’s Review into Modern Employment Practices, proposes a new national goal of good work for all.
21 May 2017
Hear about what makes Tiffany Dufu happy, who inspires her, and why she's on the planet!
08 May 2017
Mo Gawdat is Chief Business Officer at [X], an elite team of engineers that comprise Google's futuristic dream factory. In 2011 he proposed an algorithm based on an understanding of how the brain takes in and processes joy and sadness.
27 Apr 2017
Tiffany Dufu offers a new perspective on why the women’s leadership movement has stalled, Dufu urges women to embrace imperfection, to expect less of themselves and more from others.
09 Nov 2016
Our panel of experts explore mental health issues and discuss how we need to vastly improve mental health care for children and young people.
24 Aug 2016
Author Rebecca Asher explores the stereotypes that influence men’s behaviour and what can be done to change them – for the benefit of us all.
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