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24 May 2020
Matthew Taylor Anthony Painter
3 principles and 10 ideas for transition.
29 Apr 2020
Ian Burbidge
We must look for the potential of change in the crisis response. The post-crisis task is to find ways to amplify and embed the most promising changes and innovations.
24 Apr 2020
Matthew Taylor
The Covid-19 pandemic is generating momentum for change in many parts of society. But perhaps the biggest shift of all would be an appetite for new leadership.
16 Apr 2020
Ending the lockdown and getting back to normal will be hard. Deliberative democracy can help us find the way.
09 Apr 2020
The next few months won’t neatly divide into ‘the crisis’ and ‘after the crisis’. The transition period could be very long. We need to start thinking about how to govern it democratically and transparently.
03 Apr 2020
Matthew Taylor on the RSA's new podcast series about what happens after the crisis.
31 Mar 2020
Ben Ramalingam Leni Wild Matt Ferrari
How can science and policy best work together during the COVID-19 pandemic? Adaptive leadership is needed - planning that expects things to change.
25 Mar 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has created an opportunity to improve our society. Here’s how we can seize it.
20 Mar 2020
An effective response to COVID-19 must balance authority, solidarity, and individual interest.
12 Mar 2020
Less business travel, extended employment rights, move towards Universal Basic Income, accelerate energy shift, strengthen state, and new ways of thinking about change.
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