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12 Dec 2023
Martin Wright
Martin Wright reports back from our sessions on the regeneration of capabilities, social infrastructure and cities at Cornwall's ‘think fest’, Anthropy 2023.
17 Nov 2023
Sophie Hague
Sophie Hague, a 2022 Student Design Award winner, explains how design helped to identify the learning techniques that worked for her.
09 Nov 2023
Deborah Davidson Simon De Courcey
Falinge Park High School in Rochdale, UK responded to the RSA’s ‘Local Community’ Design brief with a campaign exploring and celebrating the contributions of Black and Asian soldiers in World War II - creating a lasting legacy and learning outcomes for pupils across the North-West.
25 Sep 2023
Anna Markland
Learn about our legacy of active inclusion and our commitment to making 2023-24 the boldest and most far-reaching Pupil and Student Design Awards cycles yet.
01 Aug 2023
Alessandra Tombazzi Tom Kenyon
After investigating ‘knowledge commons’, we're introducing our open RSA standards and what they mean for our practice, products and processes.
24 Jul 2023
Alexandra Brown
Learn about the 11 exciting innovation projects receiving RSA Catalyst funding in our 2023 awards.
28 Jun 2023
How can we inspire innovation and recognise efforts to bring about social change? Find out why we’re bringing the Pupil and Student Design Awards, and Catalyst funding under the banner of Design for Life Awards.
17 Apr 2023
Joanna Choukeir Al Mathers
Joanna Choukeir and Al Mathers explore our Design for Life practices; the things we need to arrive at better futures for people, place and planet.
11 Apr 2023
Steven George
Steven George, Head of Communications, explains how Design for Life will make change happen in communities, companies and organisations both large and small, and across systems.
08 Feb 2023
Milla Nakkeeran
As we conduct our mentor visits for the 2022-23 Pupil Design Awards read why the role of design mentors is so vital to young innovators.
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