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17 Nov 2023
Sophie Hague
Sophie Hague, a 2022 Student Design Award winner, explains how design helped to identify the learning techniques that worked for her.
25 Sep 2023
Anna Markland
Learn about our legacy of active inclusion and our commitment to making 2023-24 the boldest and most far-reaching Pupil and Student Design Awards cycles yet.
04 Sep 2023
Anton Howes Anna Markland
The Student Design Awards celebrate 100 successful years supporting visionary products.
09 Aug 2022
Aoife O'Doherty
We recently Celebrated the winners of the Student Design Awards and the Pupil Design Awards 2022, at our ‘Designing our futures’ event. Learn about our awardees and their innovative designs.
09 Mar 2021
Toby Murray Jillian Linton
The world's oldest student design competition is still tackling the most pressing issues of our time, thanks to our impact-driven partners and creative students.
05 Mar 2015
A new report from the RSA Student Design Awards charts the transformation of design education and the design industry from a collection of arts and crafts artisans in the early 20th century to today’s generation of creative and socially-responsive problem solvers.
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