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Democracy in the age of AI

Lead feature

Taiwan’s first Digital Minister, Audrey Tang, highlights the country’s approach to developing safe, sustainable and citizen-led AI as a model to revitalise global democracy. Amid global instability and the rise of misinformation, Taiwan has shown resilience through a ‘whole-of-society’ commitment to democracy; its Ministry of Digital Affairs led efforts to secure critical infrastructure against cyber threats and employed anticipatory debunking to maintain information integrity.

RSA Journal Issue 2 2024: Audrey Tang

It's 'game on' for Taiwan, where new technologies are being used to collaboratively define the future of AI.


Escaping a democratic recession


Is democracy in recession? The world's tilted away from liberal democracy and towards more authoritarian regimes. With around half the world’s population going to the polls in 2024, could we even find ourselves in a democratic depression?

Talent made visible

Arts in the spotlight

‘Made Visible’, an art and writing exhibition in the RSA’s Vaults, was the result of a project by 2makeit, a charity using creativity to support the rehabilitation of offenders, in partnership with FAN and social enterprise Pictora.

The Welsh way


Jane Davidson, a former Minister for Environment, Sustainability and Housing in Wales, discusses the importance of courageous governance in addressing climate change and ensuring a sustainable future.

In conversation with Eoin O’Malley

In conversation

Over a decade on from their genesis, one of the architects of Ireland’s original citizens’ assemblies speaks with Andy Haldane about the lessons learnt.

Metrics reimagined


Vlad Afanasiev of Dark Matter Labs discusses the importance of rethinking governance and metrics to address planetary crises.

Courage in action


The RSA Fellows Festival 2024 brought together a range of high-profile speakers offering remarkable stories of courageous acts to make the world a better place.

Ghada Amer: the art of protest


Provocative, empowering and unapologetically feminist — the Cairo-born artist’s body of work defies conventions and challenges perspectives.

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  • Circle celebrates one year of uniting Fellows globally

    On 15 April 2024, Circle, the RSA’s innovative global online platform, celebrated its first anniversary, with more than 4,000 Fellows having joined the community from around the world.

  • Connecting with the Fellowship

    RSA Connect was established to enable members of the executive team to travel beyond London and meet with Fellows to find out about the work they do, hear feedback first-hand and strengthen connections.

  • Young Fellows to benefit from ‘substantial’ bequest

    Derek Winterbottom, a Fellow since 1976, has indicated that he will leave a substantial bequest to the RSA and, from this year, will grant a sum of money annually to defray the subscription costs of young people who wish to become Fellows.

  • Courage takes centre stage at Fellows Festival events

    This year’s Fellows Festival was more ambitious than ever before — with UK gatherings taking place in Cardiff, Southampton, Newcastle and Birmingham, as well as the London event, and online sessions for those in Italy, Oceania and the US.


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  • RSArchive: a school of one's own

    Journal contributor

    Maria Grey, one of the founders of the Girls’ Day School Trust, first called for men and women to be given the same educational opportunities in a speech to the Society of Arts in 1871.


What our Fellows and staff are reading

Last Word Resistance

Advocate, researcher and writer Vibha Venkatesha discusses how her activism developed growing up in the suburbs of Detroit in the wake of the 9/11attacks.