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27 Oct 2015
Matthew Parsfield, researcher at the RSA, discusses our final report in the Connected Communities programme, which explores the power of connectivity within and between communities.
19 Oct 2015
The Metropolitan Police face many challenges and many changes over the next decade. Anthony Painter, Director of Policy and Strategy at the RSA, explains the findings of our new report, 'Safer Together.
11 Oct 2015
As part of the People Shaped Localism programme we look at the rise of public service volunteering as a critical element of local public service delivery. Our work has been informed by an expert roundtable held at the RSA on 10th June 2015. We would like to thank all those who took part.
22 Sep 2015
Jonathan Schifferes explains some of the key findings from the Heritage Index.
23 Jun 2015
The UK's micro business population is booming. Is this a good thing? Ben Dellot discusses the findings and recommendations from our recent report.
04 Jun 2015
How can more people benefit from new technology? Anthony Painter discusses the findings and recommendations from our recent report.
26 Mar 2015
Ben Dellot discusses "Boosting the living standards of the self-employed", the RSA report examining how workers could be better supported in meaningful and secure self-employment.
12 Mar 2015
We invited the five schools in the RSA Family of Academies to the RSA in London on 21st November 2014 to learn about the work that we do, get involved in making decisions and pitch their ideas to the Dragon's Den. Takeover Day was part of the Student Leadership Programme.
02 Dec 2014
Channelling Talent reveals the role of social networks in recognising and rewarding talent in the music industry.
07 Nov 2014
Licensed to Create is a collection of essays from some of the leading thinkers in education. 11 authors offer their unique perspective from practice, policy and academia on how we can improve teacher quality.
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