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26 Jun 2015
Charlotte Alldritt
Ahead of the 2016 and 2017 Parliamentary and local elections, there is a window of opportunity for thinking how Scotland can deliver its vision for growth and widespread prosperity.
25 Jun 2015
Tom Gilliford
What's the role of creativity in modern apprenticeships? The RSA and The Manchester College brought together leading practitioners, thinkers and employers to investigate.
27 May 2015
Dave Yates (Blog)
Community is the key stakeholder in a successful heritage-led place-making programme. But who, or what, makes up the community?
25 May 2015
What are the English Devo deals on offer? What are the tricky issues? And what does road map to Devo look like? Rojo, a freelance contributor to CouncilManagers.net, outlines some thoughts.
14 May 2015
Jim O’Neill, chair of the RSA City Growth Commission, has been appointed as Commercial Secretary to the Treasury with particular responsibility for cities and infrastructure investment.
Anthony Painter
Anthony Painter explains the key research and findings of our first Power to Create paper - The new digital learning age: how we can enable social mobility through technology.
12 May 2015
The Grainger Town Project is widely regarded a demonstration of ‘what works’ and, perhaps more importantly, the town is now seen as the ‘Pulsating Heart of Newcastle’.
05 May 2015
Eindhoven's heritage provides the basis for strong economic prospects, built around a unique brand as ‘The City of Light’.
23 Apr 2015
Laura Southerland
How cities and individuals are taking action to combat city-level challenges.
27 Mar 2015
Atif Shafique
Devo Met must engage and empower people if it is to deliver on its promise
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