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12 Jun 2015
Benedict Dellot
Micro businesses have been painted as lightweight, inefficient and an overall drain on our economy. But our research suggests these fears are unfounded.
12 May 2015
Bogus self-employment is spreading. So why are few people talking about it?
09 Apr 2015
Microbusinesses are booming in number. But is this a good or bad thing for the UK economy?
13 Mar 2015
This week, the Bank of England confirmed what the RSA argues time and again: that most of the self-employed have made a positive choice to work for themselves
20 Feb 2015
Small businesses are often seen as lightweight, unproductive and inefficient. That may have once been true, but are we now entering an era where small trumps big?
13 Feb 2015
The self-employment boom appears to be waning. But why does nobody want to admit it?
05 Feb 2015
George Osborne couldn't make our Self-employment Summit. But he made up for it by pinging over this short message to the self-employed community.
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