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04 May 2020
Matthew Taylor
How will Covid-19 change what we value in life?
01 May 2020
Ruth Hannan
Talking about Covid-19 as a ‘battle’ can leave behind many patients.
29 Apr 2020
Ian Burbidge
We must look for the potential of change in the crisis response. The post-crisis task is to find ways to amplify and embed the most promising changes and innovations.
24 Apr 2020
The Covid-19 pandemic is generating momentum for change in many parts of society. But perhaps the biggest shift of all would be an appetite for new leadership.
22 Apr 2020
Olivia Finn
Covid-19 is changing education. Digital badges are providing new learning pathways and credentials for students at home.
20 Apr 2020
Laura Partridge
We must make sure exam cancellations don’t negatively affect certain groups of students due to unconscious bias.
19 Apr 2020
Fabian Wallace-Stephens Will Grimond
New RSA analysis finds that those least able to work from home are often the lowest paid.
16 Apr 2020
Ending the lockdown and getting back to normal will be hard. Deliberative democracy can help us find the way.
09 Apr 2020
Adanna Shallowe
Adanna Shallowe imagines the world ten years on from the Covid-19 global pandemic. How has the global community responded?
The next few months won’t neatly divide into ‘the crisis’ and ‘after the crisis’. The transition period could be very long. We need to start thinking about how to govern it democratically and transparently.
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