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10 Jul 2017
Matthew Taylor
The Taylor Review calls on the Government to adopt the ambition that all work should be fair and decent with scope for fulfilment and development. Matthew Taylor's full speech from the launch event.
04 Jul 2017
Jake Thorold
Alaska gives all residents over $2000 per year, no questions asked. New survey data suggests this leads to big social benefits. We should be thinking more seriously about Universal Basic Income in the UK.
05 Jun 2017
John Park
Following the recent launch of IndyCube.Community, John Park FRSA outlines how Trade Unions can ensure they stay relevant by supporting the growing number of people in self-employment.
Philip Ross
In the build up to the general election, Philip Ross outlines six things the next Government can do to better support self-employed people in the UK.
18 May 2017
Tony Greenham
The interests of managers, shareholders and society can often come into conflict. Uniting behind a clearly articulated mission can help reconcile these conflicts, but we still need to have robust measurements to hold corporate executives to account.
27 Apr 2017
Anthony Painter
Basic Income is better understood as a support for good work rather than giving up on work, argues Anthony Painter.
24 Apr 2017
Stuart Field
As self-employment becomes an ever more significant aspect of the UK economy, how can the lack of sick pay and peer support be tackled? Stuart Field discusses Bread Funds.
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