Fellowship Events
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07 Oct 2018
Tom Harrison
New RSA report outlines findings of a 15-month RSA project to develop and test a whole-school approach to mental health.
06 Sep 2018
Eleanor Toner
Eleanor Toner shares her observations and insights from her week in Yorkshire on the FFCC Bike Tour
31 Jul 2018
Kayshani Gibbon
Kayshani Gibbon recounts what she learned from her leg of the FFCC bike tour in Northern Ireland.
11 Jul 2018
Adrian Hosford
If you knew there was a tried & tested service successfully helping thousands of people manage their anxiety and depression; would you help get it out to the millions who need it?
08 Jul 2018
Author Block
Danny Bowman FRSA explores our social media platforms, and looks at what we can do to make them into safe and inclusive communities.
14 May 2018
Wellbeing Stories
How stories with unique characters can help children with their mental health
12 Mar 2018
Julie O'Donnell FRSA tackles the complex question of how we can measure the impact of the Arts on our local communities.
08 Feb 2018
Hope Virgo
This eating disorder awareness week, author and campaigner Hope Virgo asks, will you help normalise conversations around mental illness so that no one else suffers in silence?
29 Jan 2018
Andrew Shipley
Last week saw the appointment of a new Minister for Loneliness. Tracey Crouch will have the responsibility of overseeing how government departments take steps to reduce the loneliness experienced by over 9 million people in Britain.
05 Oct 2017
Vishal Wilde
Vishal Wilde FRSA examines the link between financial insecurity and mental ill health and whether a Universal Basic Income could make a difference.
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Articles from our Fellows and guest writers.