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13 Dec 2018
Mairi Ryan James Shield
Here are some of our recommended RSA sounds of 2018 – enlightened thinking for what can often feel like dark times.
16 Nov 2018
Anj Handa
Now in its second year of running, 'Igniting Inspiration' strives to give women the confidence and assuredness in their own abilities that many often lack.
08 Nov 2018
Lauren Anders Brown
Lauren Anders Brown FRSA has made films about women in 37 countries, but it took visiting a refugee camp in Malawi to teach her about the positive environmental impact of using menstrual cups
13 Sep 2018
Julian Astle
What is the 'intellectual dark web' and what do its members really believe?
02 Sep 2018
Alison Kwan
How Alison Kwan FRSA, winner of RSA Catalyst Seed Grant, is using the Grant to create an innovative, sustainable way to empower Women in Central Vietnam to be independent farmers.
14 Jul 2018
Claire Doran
Claire Doran, Fellowship's South East Area Manager, describes a months-long quest to understand football in Britain and some unexpected and surprising lessons about Fellowship she picked up on the journey.
21 May 2018
Author Block
"Sometimes it is hard to know how to find likeminded folk and make a stand about something you feel is important." Vikki Heywood FRSA talks about the inspiring organisation of which she is chairman.
09 May 2018
Anj Handa FRSA writes about her work with her Inspiring Women Changemakers initiative, to mark a new partnership with The RSA encouraging women changemakers to become RSA Fellows
26 Apr 2018
Phoebe Williams
An emblem of the discrimination that women still face is a lack of visibility: we simply don’t see women as much as we should. The effects of this are far-reaching, but we can all do something to rectify it.
12 Mar 2018
Charly Young
How do we keep young women in rural areas connected with role models in the city?
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Articles from our Fellows and guest writers.