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16 Aug 2016
Simone Kidner Profile
Redbrick House, a newly established co-working space for creatives, freelancers, entrepreneurs, and small organisations is offering a free day pass to RSA Fellows.
03 Aug 2016
Jenny Howard Coles
Jenny Howard Coles from Plymouth Energy Community on the energy system they no longer want, and the one they know is possible.
31 Jul 2016
Ann Nkune
RSA-supported Crowdpatch project, Bloomsbury Beginnings, aims to tackle some of the issues experienced by mothers looking to get back into work.
27 Jul 2016
Rebecca Trevalyan
FRSA Rebecca Trevalyan tells us the latest news from the newly reopened borrowing shop in West Norwood, and shares how the team overcame the design challenges.
20 Jul 2016
Benedict Dellot
A new book by Don and Alex Tapscott argues that blockchain could help shake up the sharing economy, push out middlemen, and make micro-entrepreneurs out of all of us. Benedict Dellot explores.
11 Jul 2016
Josie Warden
From Falmouth to Gloucester, bookshops to workspaces, these are the individuals taking part in our leadership programme, and the community businesses they are part of.
28 Jun 2016
Louise Drake
With the outcome of the EU referendum, a lot of people are unsure as to the future of the UK. Louise Drake RSA Staff member discusses the launch of the Community Business Leadership programme and how it is truly giving back control to local communities.
27 Jun 2016
Ruth Shave FRSA
Ruth Shave FRSA discusses how funding smaller voluntary organisations might actually be a more efficient way forward for the sector.
09 Jun 2016
Steve Coles FRSA
Social change consultant and Fellowship Councillor Steve Coles discusses the five components essential for creating positive change.
20 May 2016
Benjamin Irvine
Ben Irvine considers how Christine Felber’s Economy for the Common Good helps to open up a public conversation about what the economy is for.
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Articles from our Fellows and guest writers.