Fellowship Events
Public talks
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Showing 21 to 10 of 128 results
18 Oct 2018
Anthony Painter
Anthony Painter explores the UK's economic and cultural divides and concludes that we all have 'deep stories' that need to be acknowledged.
27 Sep 2018
What do Jeremy Corbyn, Donald Trump, and Vladimir Putin have in common? Not as much as we've been led to believe, argues Anthony Painter
21 Sep 2018
Tom Levitt
“A rich, well-to-do rural county”: Tom Levitt breaks through outside perceptions during his time on the FFCC bike tour in Cheshire
20 Aug 2018
Tom Peyton
How a Fellow is meeting the needs of isolated young mums with innovative and useful courses - and what is coming next
16 Aug 2018
Gerry Proctor MBE Rhiannon Corcoran Julia Zielke
"To whom does a city belong?" Julia Zielke, Prof Rhiannon Corcoran FRSA and Gerry Proctor MBE FRSA use the "Co-City" model to investigate
05 Aug 2018
Ian Burbidge Mark Swift
What are the attributes of social entrepreneurs that enable them to overcome barriers to change, and can they translate to the public sector?
31 Jul 2018
Ed Cox
In 1942 William Beveridge identified 5 'Giant Evils' in society. We asked RSA Fellows what Britain's 'giants' would be today. What do you think?
18 Jul 2018
Katie Arthur
From Fife to the Isle of Bute, Katie Arthur recounts what she learned from her leg of the FFCC bike tour.
03 Jul 2018
This week the RSA, working in partnership with Involve, has issued a call for action on deliberative democracy. The call comes during National Democracy Week and in conjunction with the RSA’s Chief Executive’s Lecture entitled What Democracy Needs Now.
16 Jun 2018
Author Block
Sam Ruddock talks about the Yes We Can takeover in Norwich and the wider benefits of creating community-led change.
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Articles from our Fellows and guest writers.