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19 Mar 2018
Fraser Henderson
Fraser Henderson writes about his submission to the RSA citizens' economy crowdsourcing challenge 'Engaging the public in decisions about the economy'.
13 Mar 2018
Joe Earle
Joe Earle discusses the importance of citizens economists in society.
08 Mar 2018
Paul Vittels
Paul Vittles FRSA responds to the RSA ANZ blogging challenge, hosted in collaboration with 92Y as part of the Seven Days of Genius Festival - a global festival celebrating the power of new ideas. Paul tackles the issues of trust, democracy an representation.
06 Mar 2018
Kayshani Gibbon
The Citizens’ Economic Council programme publishes its final report: ‘Building a Public Culture of Economics'. Find out why we think this is important.
Frances Weetman
Frances Weetman discusses why female economists are vital.
01 Mar 2018
Paul Wyatt
FRSA Paul Wyatt, the creator of our CEC documentary, is launching his kickstarter today for a half hour film following the story of four council members.
26 Feb 2018
Hettie O'Brien
Hettie O'Brien writes discusses how citizen interest in economics can best place us to speak truth about bad policy
20 Feb 2018
Megan Corton Scott
In the current populist era an active initiative such as the Citizen’s Economic Council is not only necessary, but a breath of fresh air argues Megan Corton Scott.
13 Feb 2018
Brhmie Balaram
In its response to the Taylor review, the government announced it will be consulting the public on the employment status of gig workers. How can government distinguish this consultation from previous ones by engaging with the public differently?
01 Feb 2018
Matthew Taylor
To renew democracy, we need to think about how we can combine the strengths and overcome the weaknesses of direct, representative and participative methods.
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