Fellowship Events
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20 Jun 2019
Riley Thorold
We need more democracy, not less, to fight climate change. Riley Thorold on the tension between the environment and democracy and plans to hold a citizens' assembly on climate change in the UK.
30 May 2019
Anthony Painter
Parliamentary democracy has essentially collapsed under the strain of Brexit.
Matthew Taylor
Citizens' assemblies offer a way to put focus back on policy substance in these turbulent times, argues Matthew Taylor.
16 Apr 2019
Matthew Taylor Riley Thorold
A guide to how long a Brexit citizens' assembly would take, who would be involved, and what it would discuss.
10 Apr 2019
Deliberative democracy can create more optimistic citizens.
06 Mar 2019
Despite much doom and gloom about the state of our traditional democratic institutions, the green shoots of a more deliberative democracy are sprouting all around the world.
25 Feb 2019
Adam Clarke
As the UK moves into the reality of a post-Brexit state, what should that mean - if anything - for the Constitution?
08 Feb 2019
The idea of a citizens’ assembly on Brexit is moving up the agenda. High-profile advocates such as Gordon Brown and Stella Creasy insist that it could help to break the Brexit deadlock, but widespread scepticism remains.
30 Jan 2019
Assuming the EU will agree a new arrangement may be the only way of ensuring a proper debate on Brexit.
17 Jan 2019
Will Grimond
The RSA is exploring new ways of approaching the democratic process.
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