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04 Sep 2019
Johanna Herman
Given the situation where tech is increasingly used against workers as a surveillance tool, how can tech be designed to support workers? Johanna Herman, founder of Workerbird, shares her insights.
02 Sep 2019
Garrett Cassidy FRSA
The safety net for workers net must be re-imagined in order to avoid the many dystopian predictions for our shared futures, says Garrett Cassidy.
NP Lee Norburn ME
Find out how the RSA Fellowship are reinventing work in the South West and beyond.
15 Aug 2019
Rowan Conway Fabian Wallace-Stephens
Digital trends have sparked a revolution in how we work — for some this means work and life is more precarious, says Rowan Conway.
30 Jul 2019
Ian Lacey
From simple ideas like a local community bus service right through to initiatives like Ty Solar by Western Solar, this blog considers if similar ideas and possibilities could be initiated through a new model of income-assisted CCEs.
15 Jul 2019
Richard Brophy
Richard Brophy FRSA on why Openreach are working with the RSA to create Cities of Learning and the exciting combination of digital and real-world learning.
10 Jul 2019
Jenny Andersson
As the challenges we face in the world are more complex and systemic than ever before, we need radically new approaches to the way in which we view the role of business from extractive to regenerative.
29 Jun 2019
Albert Cañigueral FRSA
Albert Cañigueral FRSA shares insights from a new report on how digital platforms are shaping the labour market and how solutions are emerging to meet the needs of workers in the gig economy.
26 Jun 2019
Abigail Campbell Rich Pickford
Abigail Campbell and Rich Pickford address the question of good work for working parents.
05 Jun 2019
Matthew Taylor
Good work still matters and is still a work in progress. Matthew Taylor explains what has been achieved since the launch of the Taylor Review in 2017 and what still needs to be done.
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