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21 Nov 2017
Ian Burbidge
With the post-Christmas resolutions looming, when we try to address the worst of our seasonal over-indulgences, the question remains: how can we give up bad habits for good?
13 Dec 2016
Tony Greenham
Fake news doesn’t swing elections, but neither does ‘truth’. We have always filtered new information to fit our existing prejudices. The real danger to our democracy is not an absence of truth, but an absence of trust.
05 Sep 2016
Nathalie Spencer
What is the best way to influence stakeholders and generate change? Different approaches to generating change have different strengths, when should each be used to the best effect?
01 Sep 2016
Andrew Norman
In the first of a series of posts discussing the state of democracy in the 21st Century, Andy Norman outlines the gaps that exist between the assumptions we make about our democratic system and the case in practice.
24 Aug 2016
Many of us would like to get more sleep but for some reason just don’t seem to get to bed in time to clock in our needed eight or so hours. Why might that be?
11 Aug 2016
In a recent article for Pan-European Networks magazine, we set out why a multi-disciplinary approach to problem-solving – including a behavioural science perspective – is so important.
04 Apr 2016
All winter long, we’ve been busy with events and new programmes of work here in the RSA’s Social Brain. So what does the Spring have in store?
01 Jan 2016
Tom Gilliford
The RSA's Social Brain unit helps you make and keep New Year's resolutions that with improve your health.
22 Dec 2015
Our lifestyle matters when it comes to our health. Our new report 'Easier Said than Done' explains why we struggle with healthy behaviours and what we can do about it.
Jonathan Rowson
In his final blog, Jonathan Rowson looks back on his time at the RSA and our behaviour change work.
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Articles from our Fellows and guest writers.