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07 Feb 2020
Riley Thorold Owain Service
One of the most famous experiments in social psychology took place in Robbers Cave state park, Oklahoma, in the early 1950s.
28 Jan 2020
Ed Cox
Ed Cox on the opening of the International Week of Democratic Innovation at the People's History Museum in Manchester.
08 Feb 2019
Riley Thorold
The idea of a citizens’ assembly on Brexit is moving up the agenda. High-profile advocates such as Gordon Brown and Stella Creasy insist that it could help to break the Brexit deadlock, but widespread scepticism remains.
07 Jan 2019
Matthew Taylor
The BBC can help bring the nation together on Brexit by convening a Citizens' Assembly.
25 Jun 2018
Matthew Taylor explores why democratic reform movements have failed in achieving radical change and how we can exploit the loose brick in the wall
08 Jun 2018
Matthew reflects on why the decline of liberal democracy is the topic of the moment and sets out his case for a constitutionalist solution
16 May 2018
Ahead of his Annual Lecture, Matthew Taylor looks at the recent socio-economic context for our social contract and why it might be time for deliberative democracy to build a new one.
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