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10 May 2020
Will Grimond
New research from the RSA suggests the police aren’t doing enough to engage the public on how they are using new technologies.
08 Apr 2020
Jake Jooshandeh Asheem Singh
Data is crucial to tackling the Covid-19 crisis – but upholding privacy and having transparency, control and autonomy over the use of data is essential.
17 Mar 2020
Michael Tjalve FRSA Ross Smith FRSA
Artificial intelligence is developing rapidly and is already changing the world of work. Michael Tjalve FRSA and Ross Smith FRSA explore the role of AI in the workplace of the future.
25 Feb 2020
Jake Jooshandeh
Jake Jooshandeh looks at what is still missing from the government’s proposals for internet regulation.
24 Jan 2020
Maeve Walsh
Maeve Walsh of Carnegie UK Trust guides us through the parliamentary developments surrounding the Online Harms White Paper of April 2019.
11 Dec 2019
Jillian Linton
What difference would an update in electoral law make to protecting the UK against the threat of online manipulation? Jillian Linton looks at how this has worked in Canada.
06 Dec 2019
Adrian Shahbaz Allie Funk
How can we ensure that social media platforms remain a positive force for democracy, rather than conduits for malicious electoral interference? Blog by Adrian Shahbaz and Allie Funk of Freedom House.
30 Oct 2019
Asheem Singh Jake Jooshandeh
In partnership with NHSX we deliberated with healthcare professionals and tech specialists on artificial intelligence in our NHS.
24 Oct 2019
Asheem Singh
Asheem Singh reflects on the RSA’s deliberative democratic experiment at the intersection of technology and society: the citizen-driven ‘Forum for Ethical AI’
24 Sep 2019
Matthew Taylor
Two new studies suggest that more people then we think just want to smash the system and embrace chaos. How does this change how we think about political alienation?
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