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24 May 2020
Matthew Taylor Anthony Painter
3 principles and 10 ideas for transition.
13 May 2020
Ronnie Cowan MP
There will be other crises. We need to prepare. Ronnie Cowan MP writes for the RSA on why it’s time for UBI.
29 Apr 2020
Ian Burbidge
We must look for the potential of change in the crisis response. The post-crisis task is to find ways to amplify and embed the most promising changes and innovations.
02 Apr 2020
Tom MacMillan
We’re starting to gather evidence on community responses to the pandemic, to help shape post-crisis policy. If you are too, let’s team up.
21 Mar 2020
Anthony Painter
Deep structural weaknesses have left more vulnerable people and places exposed for some time; now these weaknesses are visible to all.
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