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20 Oct 2020
Georgina Chatfield
Do they really benefit young people?
15 Jul 2020
Aidan Daly
Despite the pandemic, school pupils are demonstrating creative confidence and a commitment to making their communities a better place.
16 May 2020
Anyone in education knows we so often have to make the case for the value of arts and creative activities. The lockdown gives us a chance to recognise their value – now and moving forward.
25 Mar 2020
Danielle Mason
‘Learning loss’ from being out of school hits disadvantaged students hardest. We must support quality learning at home to meet the needs of all students.
16 Mar 2020
Laura Partridge
School exclusions are increasing. Why? Laura Partridge explains the factors creating a ‘perfect storm’ of exclusions and how creating better relationships are at the heart of the solution.
Elinor Lobley
Inspiring examples of inclusive schools from our report 'Pinball Kids'
Matthew Taylor
Local leaders can and should take the initiative to strengthen collaboration on behalf on some of our most vulnerable children.
27 Jan 2020
The RSA spoke to arts-rich schools across England. Their stories show a range of creative solutions for achieving an arts focus.
01 Nov 2019
We need more data to reduce inequality. But could a 20 minute test label children for their school career?
24 Oct 2019
Susannah Hardyman
RSA Fellow Susannah Hardyman on the affects of private tutoring on attainment gap of students in the UK
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Articles from our Fellows and guest writers.